
CEMFI is a very active institution in terms of organizing research seminars and invited lectures throughout the year.

Seminars series

  • Banking and Finance Workshop In this seminar series reputed specialists in financial economics and banking present their research papers.
  • Econometrics Workshop This seminar series is concerned with current research topics in the theory and applications of econometrics.
  • Empirical Microeconomics Workshop This seminar series is concerned with current research topics in empirical microeconomics, including (but not restricted to) development economics, political economy, labor economics, and urban economics. This series is jointly organized with the Economics Department of Universidad Carlos III. Its current organizers are Yarine Fawaz, Monica Martinez-Bravo, Diego Puga and Tom Zohar.
  • Firms, Innovation, Regulation, Markets, and Strategy Workshop (FIRMS) This seminar series is concerned with current research topics in theoretical and applied microeconomics.
  • Job Market Workshop This seminar series includes presentations by candidates considered for possible recruitment as CEMFI faculty.
  • Madrid Macroeconomics Workshop (MadMac) This seminar series focuses on macroeconomics. Its current organizers are Sebastián Fanelli (Cemfi), Nezih Guner (Cemfi), and Josep Pijoan-Mas (Cemfi). We have set up this web page with details on other MadMac events.
  • Other seminars