Invited lectures


26 September 2022

Tim Besley (London School of Economics), The Political Economy of Climate Action.


7 October 2021

Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln (Goethe University Frankfurt), Hours Worked across the World.


6 October 2020

Stefania Stantcheva (Harvard University), Social preferences and (Mis)perceptions.


30 September 2019

Pinelopi Goldberg (Yale University - Chief Economist of the World Bank Group), The Unequal Effects of Globalization.


24 September 2018

Hélène Rey (London Business School), Global Financial Cycles.


30 October 2017

Douglas Diamond (Chicago Booth), Liquidity Requirements, Liquidity Choice and Financial Stability.


3 October 2016

Philippe Aghion (Harvard University), Innovation, Top Income Inequality, and Social Mobility.


29 September 2015

Jean-Charles Rochet (Universität Zürich), Bank Capital in the 21st Century.


23 September 2014

Jordi Galí (CREI), Understanding the Gains from Wage Flexibility.


23 September 2013

Lars Peter Hansen (The University of Chicago), Challenges in Identifying and Measuring Systemic Risk.

4 November 2013

Manuel Arellano (CEMFI), Uncertainty, Persistence, and Heterogeneity: A Panel Data Perspective.

7 March 2014

Ana Revenga (World Bank), The Inverted Pyramid: Pension Systems and the Demographic Challenge in Europe and Central Asia.


25 September 2012

Rafael Repullo (CEMFI), Opening Lecture of the academic year, Competition and Stability in Banking.

20 February 2013

Albert Marcet (Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica CSIC), Learning and Asset Prices.

16 April 2013

Christopher Sims and Andrei Shleifer (Princeton University and Harvard University), 25th Anniversary Conference Lessons of the Crisis for Research Agendas in Economics.

8 May 2013

Nicholas Barr (London School of Economics), Pension reform.


28 September 2011

Richard Blundell (University College London), Opening Lecture of the Academic Year, Empirical Evidence and Tax Reform.

24 October 2011

Oscar Fanjul (Omega Capital), Lessons from the Great Depression for the Great Recession.

20 February 2012

Charles Goodhart (London School of Economics), Ratio Controls in Banking Regulation Need Reconsideration.

6 June 2012

Diego Puga (IMDEA Social Sciences), International trade and institutional change: Venice's response to medieval globalization.


27 September 2010

Jean Tirole (Toulouse School of Economics), Opening Lecture of the academic year, Laws and norms.

21 February 2011

Jorge Padilla (Compass Lexecon), Promoting Renewable Energy: The Spanish Experience.

31 May 2011

Michael Brennan (UCLA), A Financial Innovation: Dividend Futures.


28 September 2009

Martin Browning (University of Oxford), Opening Lecture of the academic year, Spending time and money in the family.

23 November 2009

Glenn Loury (Brown University), Economics of Affirmative Action.

4 February 2010

Harrison Hong (Princeton University), Are smarter markets better markets?.

24 May 2010

Luis Garicano (London School of Economics), The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on the Organization of Firms.


30 September 2008

Daron Acemoglu (Masachussetts Institute of Technology), Opening Lecture of the academic year, Economic development: Lessons from history.

28 October 2008

Fernando Restoy (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores), The sub-prime crisis: Some lessons for financial supervisors.

6 February 2009

Lucrezia Reichlin (London School of Economics), The econometrics of large dynamic systems.

26 May 2009

Eduardo Schwartz (University of California, Los Angeles), Commodity derivatives and real options.


17 September 2007

James Heckman (University of Chicago), Opening Lecture of the academic year, The Economics of Skill Formation.

6 November 2007

Carles Boix (Princeton University), Democracy, Inequality and Country-Specific Wealth.

3 March 2008

Christopher Sims (Princeton University), Bayesian Methods in Applied Econometrics, or, Why Econometrics Should Always and Everywhere Be Bayesian.

19 May 2008

Olympia Bover (Banco de España), Developing Household Finance Surveys: the Spanish Experience and the European Prospect.


25 September 2006

Torsten Persson (Stockholm University), Opening Lecture of the Academic Year, Democratic Capital: The Nexus of Political and Economic Change.

7 February 2007

José Pérez Fernández (Intermoney), El debate sobre las cajas de ahorros.

14 March 2007

Gabriel Tortella (Universidad de Alcalá), ¿Genes o medio social? Los determinantes del espíritu empresarial.