Code of Conduct and Internal Compliance Unit

All members of the CEMFI community must adhere to our Code of Conduct . This document was approved by the Board of Trustees on 25 March 2019. It identifies the core ethical values of CEMFI and describes a set of rules of conduct aimed at achieving the highest ethical standards across all our activities.

CEMFI's Internal Compliance Unit develops initiatives to raise awareness about specific issues that may affect the climate for work and study in our institution. The unit is composed of a diverse set of members of CEMFI's community. The current members are Manuel Arellano, Susanna Esteban and Sevin Kaytan. You may contact the Unit at this email address:

CEMFI's Whistleblowing Channel

The internal channel, integrated into the CEMFI's Internal Information System, allows for confidential and effective reporting of irregularities attributable to CEMFI or its staff that have been made known by the complainant in the context of a working or professional relationship with CEMFI. These irregularities may consist of infringements of European Union law, administrative or criminal offenses, harassment or discrimination, and breaches related to Codes of Conduct.

For more information, see the Policy of the Internal Information System (in Spanish) and the Information Management Procedure (in Spanish).

To access the internal complaint channel, click here.

CEMFI Research Ethics Committee

All research conducted at CEMFI should be performed in accordance with CEMFI's research ethics guidelines. The purpose of the ethical standards is to promote and facilitate the conduct of research in ways that respect the dignity and preserve the wellbeing of human research participants, and that maintain confidentiality of individual data. The research ethics guidelines apply to all CEMFI staff, including faculty, researchers, students, and administrative staff.

CEMFI's Research Ethics Committee is formed by three members, who are appointed by the Director for a period of three years. Its current members are: Pedro Rey-Biel (ESADE Business School), who acts as Chair, Jorge García Hombrados (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), and Libertad González (Universitat Pompeu Fabra). Members of the CEMFI community can find more information on how to requests evaluations of the Ethics Committee through the intranet.

The Committee is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Formulate and periodically update CEMFI's research ethics guidelines, and make them available to CEMFI staff and the public at large.
  • Monitor the application of CEMFI's research ethics guidelines.
  • Design the requirements and procedures for the ethics approval of research conducted at CEMFI.
  • Undertake the ethics evaluation of research that requires ethics approval, consulting external experts if needed.
  • Report on the results of ethics approval processes to the Director and to third parties.

Gender Equality Policy

CEMFI, as a leading institution in teaching and research, has a special responsibility to make effective the right to equality between women and men. Therefore, CEMFI has a gender perspective in all its activities and avoids discrimination in any of its aspects.

CEMFI is in the process of drawing up a Gender Equality Plan following the guidelines of Royal Decree-Law 6/2019, of March 1, 2019, on urgent measures to guarantee equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in employment and occupation. Until this process is completed, CEMFI's commitment is reflected in its current Gender Equality Policy.
