Susanna Esteban
PhD in Economics, University of Rochester, 2000
Personal details
Research interests
Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomics
Selected publications
- "When do Secondary Markets Harm Firms?", with Jiawei Chen and Matthew Shum, American Economic Review, 103 (7) (2013), 2911-34.
- "Do Sales Tax Credits Stimulate the Automobile Market?", with Jiawei Chen and Matthew Shum, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 28 (EARIE issue) (2010), 397-402.
- "Demand and Supply Estimation Biases of Omitting Durability", with Jiawei Chen and Matthew Shum, Journal of Econometrics, 147 (2) (2008), .
- "Nonlinear Pricing with Self-Control Preferences", with Eiichi Miyagawa and Matthew Shum, Journal of Economic Theory, 135 (1) (2007), 306-336.
- "Durable Goods Oligopoly with Secondary Markets: the Case of Automobiles", with Matthew Shum, RAND Journal of Economics, 38 (2007), 332–354.