Urban Economics



Diego Puga



In this course in urban economics, we will study theory and evidence on how productivity, amenities and congestion determine the size and composition of cities and their evolution. We will examine the determinants and consequences of location choices made by firms and workers. We will also explore the importance of cities for aggregate economic development. The research strategies, modelling tools and problems of measurement and identification discussed, while examined in the context of urban issues, are intended to be useful to students interested in a wide variety of topics.

Module / Term


Module II: Elective Courses (54 ECTS) / Term 4 (18 ECTS)

Course details


UIMP code 102676 / 6 ECTS / Elective



Thursday (17:00 - 18:30), and Friday (9:30 - 13:00)

Evaluation Criteria


Exercises, presentations and exams

Course page


