Rafael Repullo

PhD in Economics, London School of Economics, 1984

Personal details




Rafael Repullo

Research interests

Banking theory and regulation, Corporate finance, Monetary economics

Selected publications

  • "Monetary Policy, Macroprudential Policy, and Financial Stability", with D. Martinez-Miera, Annual Review of Economics, 11 (2019), 809 - 832.
  • "Hierarchical Bank Supervision", SERIEs – Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 9 (2018), 1 - 26.
  • "Search for Yield", with David Martinez-Miera, Econometrica, 85 (2017), 351-378.
  • "The Procyclical Effects of Bank Capital Regulation", with Javier Suarez, Review of Financial Studies, 26 (2013), 452-490.
  • "Does Competition Reduce the Risk of Bank Failure?", with David Martínez-Miera, Review of Financial Studies, 23 (2010), 3638-3664.
  • "Capital Requirements, Market Power, and Risk-Taking in Banking", Journal of Financial Intermediation, 13 (2004), 156-182.
  • "Venture Capital Finance: A Security Design Approach", with J. Suarez, Review of Finance, 8 (2004), 75-108.
  • "Who Should Act as Lender of Last Resort? An Incomplete Contracts Model", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 32 (2000), 580-605.
  • "Monitoring, Liquidation, and Security Design", with J. Suarez, Review of Financial Studies, 11 (1998), 163-187.
  • "Subgame Perfect Implementation", with J. Moore, Econometrica, 56 (1988), 1191-1220.