Miquel-Àngel Garcia López
PhD in Economics, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2006
Personal details
Research interests
Urban Economics, Economic Geography
Selected publications
- "Real estate prices and land-use regulations: Evidence from the Law of Heights in Bogotá", with Diego Buitrago-Mora, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 101 (2023), 103914.
- "Congestion and highways when tolls and railroads matter: Evidence from European cities", with Ilias Pasidis and Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal, Journal of Economic Geography, 22 (2022), 931-960.
- "Building(s and) cities: Delineating urban areas with a machine learning algorithm", with Daniel Arribas-Bel and Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal, Journal of Urban Economics , 125 (2021), 103217.
- "Do short-term rent platforms affect housing markets? Evidence from Airbnb in Barcelona", with Jordi Jofre-Monseny, Rodrigo Martínez-Mazza and Mariona Segú, Journal of Urban Economics, 119 (2020), 103278.
- "All roads lead to Rome … and to sprawl? Evidence from European cities", Regional Science and Urban Economics, 79 (2019), 103467.
- "Income segregation in monocentric and polycentric cities: Does urban form really matter?", with Ana Isabel Moreno-Monroy, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 71 (2018), 62-79.
- "Next train to the polycentric city: The effect of railroads on subcenter formation", with Camille Hémet and Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 67 (2017), 50-63.
- "How does transportation shape intrametropolitan growth? An answer from the Regional Express Rail", with Camille Hémet and Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal, Journal of Regional Science, 57 (2017), 758-780.
- "Suburbanization and highways in Spain when the Romans and the Bourbons still shape its cities", with Adelheid Holl and Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal, Journal of Urban Economics, 85 (2015), 52-67.
- "Does zoning follow highways?", with Albert Solé-Ollé and Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 53 (2015), 148-155.
- "Urban spatial structure, suburbanization and transportation in Barcelona", Journal of Urban Economics, 72 (2012), 176-190.