Guillermo Caruana

PhD in Economics, Boston University, 2002

Personal details



Guillermo Caruana

Research interests

Applied microeconomics, industrial organization, marketing, game theory

Selected publications

  • "Search, Design, and Market Structure", with Heski Bar-Isaac and Vicente Cuñat, American Economic Review, 102 (2012), 1140-1160.
  • "Information Gathering Externalities for a Multi-Attribute Good", with Heski Bar-Isaac and Vicente Cuñat, Journal of Industrial Economics, 60 (2012), 162-185.
  • "Information Gathering and Marketing", with Heski Bar-Isaac and Vicente Cuñat, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 19 (2010), 375-401.
  • "Production Targets", with Liran Einav, Rand Journal of Economics, 39 (2008), 990-1017.
  • "A Theory of Endogenous Commitment", with Liran Einav, Review of Economic Studies, 75 (2008), 99-116.
  • "Multilateral Bargaining with Concession Costs", with L. Einav and D. Quint, Journal of Economic Theory, 132 (2007), 147-166.