Research interests
Selected publications
- "Dual Labour Markets Revisited", with Juan J. Dolado and Juan F. Jimeno, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, 3 (2020), 1-34.
- "When Credit Dries Up: Job Losses in the Great Recession", with Marcel Jansen and Gabriel Jiménez, Journal of the European Economic Association, 16 (2018), 650–695.
- "Two-Tier Labour Markets in the Great Recession: France Versus Spain", with Pierre Cahuc, Juan J. Dolado and Thomas Le Barbanchon, Economic Journal, 122 (2012), F155-F187.
- "The Macroeconomic Impact of Flexible Labor Contracts, with an Application to Spain", with G. Saint-Paul, European Economic Review, 36 (1992), 1013-1047.
- "Firing Costs and Labor Demand: How Bad Is Eurosclerosis?", with G. Bertola, Review of Economic Studies, 54 (1990), 381-402.