Edoardo Acabbi
Phd in Business Economics, Harvard University, 2020
Personal details
Research interests
Macroeconomics, corporate finance, labor economics, banking Sorting, hysteresis, liquidity, labor leverage.
Selected publications
- "Human Capital Ladders, Cyclical Sorting, adn Hysteresis ", with Andrea Alati and Luca Mazzone, (2024), .
- "Labor Rigidities and Firms’ Resilience to Liquidity Shocks", with Ettore Panetti and Alessandro Sforza, (2024), working paper.
- "The unequal consequences of job loss across countries", with Cristina Barcelo, Antoine Bertheau, Andreas Gulyas, Stefano Lombardi and Raffaele Saggio, American Economic Review: Insights, 5-3 (2023), 393-408.
- "Defusing Leverage: Liquidity Management and Labor Contracts", with Andrea Alati, working paper.
- "Credit and Firms' Organization", with Alessandro Sforza, working paper.