REStour 2011

Madrid, 26-27 May 2011

CEMFI. Casado del Alisal, 5, 28014 Madrid

The Review of Economic Studies European Meetings have been held annually in May since
1989. Each year, seven of the most promising graduating doctoral students in economics
and finance are selected to present their research to audiences in Europe. This year, the
REStud tour visits London Business School, Stockholm School of Economics, and CEMFI.
The REStud Meeting at CEMFI will take place on May 26th (Thursday, full day) and May 27th
(Friday, morning), with a conference dinner on the 26th.

The seven speakers are:

Kei Kawai (Northwestern):
            ''Auction Design and the Incentives to Invest: Evidence from Procurement Auctions.''
Daniel Keniston (MIT):
            ''Bargaining and Welfare: A Dynamic Structural Analysis of the Autorickshaw Market.''
Peter Koudijs (Pompeu Fabra):
            ''The Boats that did not sail. News, Trading and Asset Price Volatility in a Natural Experiment.''
Mar Reguant (MIT):
            ''The Welfare Effects of Complementary Bidding Mechanisms: An Empirical Analysis of the Spanish Wholesale Electricity Market.''
Alex Torgovitsky (Yale):
            ''Identification and Estimation of Nonparametric Quantile Regressions with Endogeneity.''
Alessandra Voena (Stanford):
            ''Yours, Mine and Ours: Do Divorce Laws Affect the Intertemporal Behavior of Married Couples?''
Alex Wolitzky (MIT):
            ''Reputational Bargaining under Knowledge of Rationality.''