Hotel Reservation

Participants in the Eighth Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin American and the Caribbean (ABCD-LAC 8) can book a room at a discount price in the following hotel (with prices per night including breakfast and taxes):

NH Eurobuilding Single: 145 EUR Double: 175 EUR


To book a room you are required to click the button "Hotel reservation" at the bottom of this page. After filling out the form and clicking the button "Submit" please print the output your browser will display. You must enter your credit card information on the printed form, sign it, and fax it to the indicated number of the Official Travel Agency Viajes EL Corte Inglés. Participants are required to pay for the first night of stay at the time the booking is made. The deadline for hotel bookings is 20 September. After this date there is no guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your requests.

Please note that the information on "Name + Surname(s)" and "Institution" will be used to prepare your conference badge.

You may use the same form to register and book your hotel for LACEA 2002. If you are not attending LACEA 2002, select "Exempt/Already registered" in the field Registration fees and write "Not attending LACEA 2002" in the Observations box.

"Hotel reservation"