D E  E S T U D I O S   M O N E T A R I O S 
  Y   F I N A N C I E R O S

International Conferences

1998 - 1999

Technology, Regulation and Employment

19-21 June 1999
Organized by FUNDESCO

The following papers were presented:

Gary Becker (University of Chicago): General overview.

Juan José Dolado (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Florentino Felgueroso (Universidad de Oviedo III) and Juan F. Jimeno (Universidad de Alcalá and FEDEA): “The causes of youth labour market problems in Spain: Crowding-Out, institutions, or technology shifts?”.

Olympia Bover (Banco de España), Pilar García Perea (Banco de España) and Pedro Portugal (Banco de Portugal): “A comparative study of the Portuguese and Spanish labour markets”.

Gilles Saint-Paul (Universitat Pompeu Fabra and CEPR): “Ideas, networks, and income distribution. Towards a winner-takes-all society?”.

Stephen Nickell (London School of Economics) and Luca Nunziata (Nuffield College): “Employment patterns in OECD countries”.

Carmen Pages (Interamerican Development Bank) and Claudio Montenegro (The World Bank): “Job security and the age composition of employment: Theory and evidence from Chile”.

Kathryn Shaw (Carnegie Mellon University and CEPR): “Innovative HRM practices as technology shock: Building ‘Problems-solving capacity’ in production workers”.

Stephen Machin (University College London): “The economic implications of Union decline in Britain”.

Victor Aguirregabiria (University of Chicago): “Evaluating the effect of severance payments on wages”.

John M. Abowd (Cornell University, NBER and CREST), Francis Kramarz (INSEE-CREST, CNRS and CEPR) David N. Margolis (CNRS, LAMIA-Université de Paris and CREST): “Minimum wages and employment in France and the United States”.